
YU Bin Scholarly & Analytical Pieces

  • Article: “Kissinger and Elegy for American Realists” 《基辛格与美国“现实派 ”之殇》, Observers’ Net 《观察者网》, 15 August 2018, 。
  • Article: “Narendra Modi in China: When Dragon and Elephant Dance ...” Valdai Discussion Club, 5 March 2018, .
  • Article: “Between Past and Future: Implications of Sino-Russian Relations for the United States,” Asia Policy, 13.1 (Seattle, WA: The National Bureau of Asian Research, January 2018), pp. 12-18, .
  • Chapter 9, “From Global Governance to Global Disorder: Implication for Russia and China,” in Sino-Russian Relations in the 21st Century, edited by Jo Inge Bekkevold and Bobo Lo (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), pp. 191-214.
  • Article: “The Bolshevik Revolution 100 Years After: Deconstruction & Reconstruction of the World Order and West’s Identity [十月革命百年之后——世界秩序与西方认同的解体与重构] Russia Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai [上海华东师范大学《俄罗斯研究》], No. 1, February 2018, Shanghai, pp. 3-21.
  • A Foreword to Chengxin Pan, Knowledge, Desire and Power in Global Politics: Western Representations of China’s Rise (UK: Edward Elgar, 2012), Chinese edition, 《国际政治中的 知识、欲望与权力——中国崛起的西方叙事 (Beijing: China Social Science Publisher, 2016, 北京:中国社会文献出版社2016年5月), pp. 1-10.
  • “In Search of Security and Self-Identity: Promise and Paradox of China’s Nuclear Weapons,” in G. John Ikenberry, Wang Jisi, and Zhu Feng, eds., America, China, and the Struggle for World Order (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015), 327-57.
  • Article: “Disingenuity in Japan’s Treatment of History” 《日本历史观中的“真情”与假意》, Observers’ Net 《观察者网》, 7 July 2015, 。
  • Article: “When Nerds Meet Warriors, American Style” 《美国“秀才”见了兵......你懂的》, Observers’ Net 《观察者网》, 21 May 2015, 。
  • Article: 《希拉里刚参选, 中国却早已躺枪——沈大伟的“突变”与美国的“中国学”》, Observers’ Net 《观察者网》, 13 April 2015, 。
  • Article: “A Modest Proposal for the ‘Final Solution’ for the Comfort Women Issue” 《鄙人之拙见——慰安妇/性奴隶问题的终极解决方案》, Observers’ Net 《观察者网》, 17 August 2014, . For original English version, see .
  • Review essay:《被“遗忘”的战争,还是“朝鲜战争研究疲劳症”——评美国史学视角下的朝鲜战争》[“American Historiography of the Korean War 60 Years After: Forgotten or Fatigue],” No. 1, 2014, Fudan America Review《美国问题研究》2014年第一期,上海复旦大学美国研究中心.
  • Chapter 20, “Chinese People’s Volunteers—Tactics, Equipment and Logistics,” in James Matray and Donald Boose, eds., Ashegate Research Companion to the Korean War (2014), 269-82.
  • Chapter: “Dynamics and Dilemma: SCO, China and Eurasian Integration,” in Piotr Dutkiewicz, & Richard Sakwa, eds., Eurasian Integration - The View from Within (Routledge, November 13, 2014).
  • Article: 《两个日本人和“二战纪念之终结”》论],” [Tales of Two Japanese and the Anniversary Elegy] Foreign Affairs Observer [外交观察网站](online), January 15, 2014,.
  • Article: “The Core and Outskirts of the Soviet Studies in the West” 《西方苏联学的内核与外延》, Russia Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai [上海华东师范大学《俄罗斯研究》], No 6, December 2013, Shanghai, pp. 167-96,  .
  • Article:《对于美国研究中的几个问题》[Some Issues of the Current America Discourse in China], 复旦大学“第一届美国研究全国青年论坛”开幕词,2013年8月24日, .
  • Article:《西方主义与中国外交的困境和前景》[“‘Westernism’ & China’s Foreign policy: Predicaments and Prospects”], Foreign Affairs Observer (Beijing)[外交观察季刊], No 2, Apr 2013, pp.1-32.
  • Chapter:《美国军政关系的理论与实践:兼论美国民主制度的运作与前景》[“Civil-military Relations in the U.S. and Implications for the Operation and Prospects of the US Democracy”], in Feng Shao Lei [ 冯绍雷], ed.《思想史与国际政治》[Western Intellectual History and International Politics], ( 上海辞书出版社[Shanghai Cishu Publisher], 2012, pp. 87-122.
  • Article: 《普京三任外交启动:光荣、梦想与现实》[“Foreign Policy of Putin 3.0 Style: Glory, Dream and Reality” ],上海华东师范大学《俄罗斯研究》[Russian Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai], No 6, December 2012, Shanghai, pp. 177-204,.
  • Article, 《转型的迷茫与困惑》 [From Sovietology to Russianology: The Agony of the Switch],”  Russia Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai [上海华东师范大学《俄罗斯研究》], vol.172, no.6, (December 2011),.
  • Monograph:《希拉里与中美关系》[Hilary Clinton and US-China Relations], for 北京大学中国与世界研究中心,《观察与交流》[Center for China and the World, Beijing University, Observation and Exchange], 2011年,。
  • Article, 《从X到Z:西方“苏联学”的兴与衰》[From Mr. X to Mr. Y: The Rise and Fall of Sovietology in the West],”  Russia Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai [上海华东师范大学《俄罗斯研究》], vol. 176, no.1, Jan. 2011, pp. 3-20,.
  • Article,《近期美国军政关系解析》[Recent Civil-Military Relations in the U.S.], 中国改革网[China Reform Net], June 28, 2010,。
  • 第六章:《国际安全研究的理论与实践:兼论美国安全观的军事化问题》 [Chapter 6, “Western Theories and Practice of International Security,” in Wang Jianwei, eds., 北京大学出版社, 西方人文社科研究前沿报告与分析丛书,2010年) International Relations Theories, Series of Western Humanity and Social Science Studies (Beijing University Press), 2010]
  • Chapter, “Living with Russian in the Post-9/11 World,” in Simon Shen and Jean-Marc F. Blanchard eds., China’s Multidimensional Diplomacy After 9-11 (The Lexington Books, 2010).
  • Chapter: 《美国外交与军事中的国际关系理论》[The Role of Political Science in U.S. Foreign and Defense Policies], in 玛雅编著[Maya ed.], 《美国的逻辑: 意识形态与内政外交》[The Logic of the United States: Ideology, Politics and Diplomacy] (北京经济出版社[Beijing Economics Publisher], July 2010) ,148-176。
  • Chapter, “Sino-Russian Relations in the ‘Post’-Putin Era,” in Ron Huisken, ed., Rising China: Power and Reassurance, Strategic and Defense Studies Center, Australian National University, (Canberra, Australia: E Press, 2009), 79-100,
  • Article: “China’s Harmonious World: Beyond Cultural Interpretations,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2008, 120-141,
  • Research note, “In Search for a Normal Relationship: China and Russian Into the 21st Century,” China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly 5, no.4 (November 2007), Stockholm, Sweden, 47-81, .   
  • 《9-11与西方国际关系理论—兼论中国国际关系理论的发展与创新》[9/11 and Western Theories of International Relations—Implications for the development of China’s own theories of international relations], Shanghai Institute of American Studies [上海美国研究所,论文], No. 6, June 2006, .  
  • 《后冷战时期的中-俄关系》[Post-Cold War Sino-Russian Relations], 《国际政治研究》 [International Politics Quarterly], Beijing University Press, No. 2, June 2006, 116-36, ; .
  • “The War Anniversaries: Harbingers of Things to Come,” Japan Policy Research Institute, Critique Vol. XII, No. 5 (September 2005).
  • “What China Learned from Its ‘Forgotten War’ in Korea,” Strategic Review (summer 1998), United States Strategic Institute, Boston, 4–16.
  • “The Study of Chinese Foreign Policy: Problems and Prospect,” World Politics, 46, no. 2, (Princeton University, January 1994), 235–61,
  • “Sino-Russian Military Relations: Implications for Asian-Pacific Security,” Asian Survey, vol. XXXIII, no. 3, (University of California, Berkeley, March 1993), 302–16.
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