
Best Friends

Today was my favorite day I have had in Lesotho. There are three men from Lesotho that teach and help us build the house. At the beginning of the week, the men were extremely shy and did not speak much. Automatically I assumed that they did not speak English. However, today they spoke more than they ever had before. They were asking us questions about people on the trip and making an effort to get to know us. I thought it was extremely cool that they were opening up and becoming our friends.

There is a girl who I met at the worksite around the age of  8 who does not get to attend school with her other friends. I have been able to form a close bond with her. The first day on the site she was by herself just watching us, so I asked her if she wanted to help me pick up rocks for the house. She and I spent about an hour just picking up rocks and laughing . I learned later that she felt a sense of purpose helping me simply by just picking up rocks. She now tells all of her friends that she has a new best friend named Katy. I over hear her talking about me quite often and sometimes I will catch her in the moment and she will just smile at me. At the end of the day for they past four days she has taken my hand and walked me back to the buses, she smiles and waves until I am completely out of site. I can't help myself but smile every minute I am around her. She has found a special place in my heart.

Another best friend I have met on the trip is a little four year old boy. The first day I met him him was difficult. He was extremely scared of our group at first. It took me about twenty minutes to even get him to come close to me. Eventually I got him to sit on my lap and make him feel comfortable. The past two days he has waited at the gate for me to arrive and play with him. Today we did our normal routine where he would just sit on my lap and watch all the kids play while I give him his favorite hand massages. Before I knew it, he was completely passed out and snoring. I could not get the little guy to wake up, so the kids in the community had me follow them all to the littles boy's house while he stayed asleep in my arms. I was a little nervous and hesitant to show up to his house and explain to his mother why he was asleep in my arms, but before I could even talk, the mother was continuously thanking me for getting her son home safe and sound. I had felt a feeling that I had never felt before. I felt over joyed and happy with this bond I have now formed with this family. This little boy means so much to me already and has brought a whole new happiness to my life. Everyday I now wake up excited to see my favorite little man waiting for me at the gate to run up and give me the biggest hug. I already can’t wait to see him tomorrow.

The kids here have been stealing our hearts. I have never met happier children in my life. They have already given us so many laughs and memories that we will never forget!

Lesotho has already been filled with so many experiences, and I cannot wait to see what else it has in store for me and the rest of the group!

-Katy Baumgartner

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