
Bye Lesotho! :(

We ended our stay in Lesotho to with a trip to a textile mill in Maseru. The very informative tour had us weaving our way through every part of the denim creation process from baled cotton all to dyed fabric. After which we returned back to the trading post to take advantage of down time. Some chose to head over to the neighboring Leratong Community Center to hang out with the kids their and others headed into town to make last minute purchases, packed up belongings, or took naps. It was weird realizing this was our last day here before we leave for Kruger. These past three weeks have just flown by and everyone is sad to leave but excited to go on a safari adventure for the next few days. This will be the last official blog post since we will be at Kruger. We hope we had a lasting impression here because we all feel like we have gotten more from this trip than we gave. It has been a fantastic trip.


Danny, Ali, and Leighanne

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