
Chapter 4: A Smile Can Change The World

  I will never forget our walk through the village to the worksite yesterday. We passed a group of adorable young kids and one kid, in a tiny little green plaid shirt, had the biggest smile I've ever seen. Im convinced the brightness of this little kids smile could change the world. I was blown away with how cute this little guy was and then when we got to the worksite many of us practiced the realization that playing with the children is just as valuable as laying a brick. They love being picked up and swung in the air and they run at you with their arms up which is the cutest thing in the world even when youre arms are so sore they can barely carry anything. We were human jungle gyms whose sunglasses were constantly borrowed for them to pose in. Turns out selfies are fun worldwide. I feel like my heart has grown a whole new spot for these kids and everything they have already taught me. In the afternoon, I laid a cinder block only to look over at the house next to us to see a group of kids dancing and laughing like it was the best day of their life. We all turned around and started to repeat dance moves back and fourth with them and it was simply awesome. The language barrier has made conversations past "hello how are you" almost impossible but play is a universal language. I don't really know how to write about this experience so far but the kids and the stunningly beautiful mountains surrounding us in every direction really make you feel some type of way.  


P.S. To everyone at home- I love you so much, miss you and sending you all the Lesotho love. 

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