
Lesotho 2022: Day 16 Reflections

Rawwwrr! Oops did we scare you (-; it’s just Ryleigh and Hannah here.

Sunday felt like a movie, more specifically, Jurassic Park, as we started our week off with a trip to Morija to visit the Morija Museum and Archive and take a hike up to see dinosaur footprints. At the museum, we got to see fossils from the area, tools that have been used overtime, and many other artifacts integral to the history of Lesotho. We got to learn about culture and politics from the man who runs the museum, which provided an interesting prospective as he is originally from America but came here in the 1970s and has stayed ever since. After the talk, we ate lunch and prepped for a big hike into the mountains to witness a unique piece of history that we had only ever seen in museums. While the hike was a lengthy uphill battle, we finally reached our destination - dinosaur footprints that are said to have belonged to the Lesothosaurus. Not only did that make it all worth it, but the view was amazing. After we got back from our trip to Morija, we were given a talk about politics, past, present, and future, from friends of the trip, Thabo and Lineo. We all ate dinner together and headed to bed early as Monday began our last week of work.

Today, on Monday, we got up and moving bright and early to continue working at the primary school site. Many of us have become skilled in patching holes in walls, the fine art of painting, and for the two who are bad at both (us) jerry-rigging a bucket to a broken pipe so we have water to clean the brushes. Yes that is a liberal arts education in action. We didn’t mind cleaning the brushes as it allowed for much chitchat, and the sound of the water barely making it into the bucket was quite relaxing. We ended the day with a conversation about our week to come. We were all very excited tonight because now that the weekend is over, our favorite South African soap opera, Skeem Saam, is back on, which we were able to enjoy with dinner. We hope your day is as riveting as Skeem Saam was tonight!

Sending love from across the Atlantic,

Ryleigh and Hannah

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