
Lesotho 2022: Day 18 Reflections

Greetings from Lesotho, It’s hard to believe today was our last full day in Lesotho. We finished our educational murals at the primary school, while others painted the outside of the kindergarten. Not to toot our own horns but it looks fantastic. We’ve definitely made an ever lasting impact on this community.

After lunch, the chief put together a beautiful ceremony where we were thanked for all our hard work. During the ceremony we got to witness cultural songs and dances. We were also gifted brooms as going away/thank you gifts. I think it’s easy to focus on how these projects directly benefit these children but the ceremony allowed us to see the impact it has on the parents and community as a whole. We’re so grateful to have been able to be the first group in this community and hope future groups continue doing work here.

Now the hard is done and tomorrow morning we’ll be hitting the road early for our “vacation” to begin our stay at the safari. With that being said, this is our final day with Wi-Fi until we meet again in the states. Hope you’re all doing well and can’t wait to see y’all soon!

Also, sending early birthday wishes to Debbie Bean!

The Rock Queens signing off,

Catie Oerther and Bailey Maloon
(FYI we’ve been collecting rocks)

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