
Lesotho 2022: Day 4 Reflections

Hi everyone! We had another beautiful day in Ramabanta and got lots of work done. One group painted the outside of the community center a beautiful bright blue and outlined all the kids on the walls. At my worksite, I built a wall inside the house and also put glass into the windows and securing it with putty. There were highs and lows today. The low was discussing the impossibility of massive social change and being able to help everyone. We are all working hard and making small impacts to the community but a lot of us are struggling with the fact that we can’t help everyone. One of my favorite parts of the trip so far has been meeting all of the Basotho and it is just devastating to me that we can’t help some of the kindest most welcoming people I’ve ever met. My highs for today was teaching and playing Uno with my new friends, the Basotho youth that have been working with each group at the different sites. It has been amazing getting to know all of these beautiful people and we're already making future plans to get together. Wishing you all a wonderful day from the mountains of Lesotho.

Lots of love,

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