
Lesotho 2024: Great Views & Cute Dogs

HI Blog, Happy Sunday! Today we got to take a hike and see Dinosaur footprints. While I am no expert hiker or climber, I think I speak for the group when I say we got our work out in. It was a great hike full of lots of breaks to take in the scenery and gaze out on the valley. There were two sets of footprints on the rock. both were epic to see. I definitely can mark this off the bucket list. We walked along this mountain path to get there, and I felt like I was a Von Trapp child on my way up the mountain with Maria. To make everything better a couple of us sang the Lonely Goatherd Song at the top. We have some big Sound of Music fans on this trip. Lunch was spectacular, with fantastic oranges for dessert. However the best part of the day had to be our group meeting and loving on the cutest yellow lab named Nola. Nola loved all the attention and belly rubs, and we cherished loving on her and sharing stories about our own pets at home. Overall, it was a great day one I won't forget!

Much love to my own yellow lab Violet, cat Willow, the new calf at home, and my brother and father. Emma Wilson

Hello! Today on our day off, we had a wonderful hike up a mountain to see the footprints of the Lesotho-saurus. The incline was high during this hike. While hiking I tend to use all 4's because I can't risk a fall. I enjoyed the views on the way up to the footprints. We were able to see the lodge we had started the hike from. I did not enjoy the way down the mountain, it was very scary and steep. many students and I had fun climbing a giant rock all the way to the top. There was a race taking place to see who could get the top first. I believe Taylor won with the time of 3.75 seconds. After the hike we had a delicious lunch and played with a cute doggy named Nola. Tomorrow we are back to work; painting and building a playground. Sending love to my family at home! Happy early birthday Dad!

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