
A New Friend

Hello from Ramabanta in Lesotho!

Today was day 8 working here in Ramabanta, and we continued our work building the playground for the kids. The kids are getting so excited and impatient to get to play on it since it's so close to being done it's getting hard to keep them off of it to let the cement dry. The kids here never cease to amaze me with how smart, kind and hard working they are. You can't walk anywhere without a child being right there to want to hold your hand, and can't sit down without one wanting to jump in your lap. The boys especially love to jump right in and help us pick axe and make the cement without ever being asked which is crazy to me because I bet if you asked most American middle school boys to help do the manual labor they do, they would never agree to it without a serious bribing. I've never had anyone so excited to see me, or smile so big as on the children here. Today my friend ‘Mpoho (ompo) who is an 8 year old girl who speaks some English and for some reason has taken a liking to me wrote me a little note today and drew a little picture. Unfortunately the note was in Sesotho so I did not know what all it said, but had someone tell me and it was the most adorable thing. Her cousin who is always with her and more like a sister to her took me to the outside of her home so she could bring out pictures of her and ‘Mpoho when they were little to show me and show me her mom. We leave here in two days and I do not know how we can say goodbye to the kids and the special ones we have formed bonds with. Everyone here is so friendly and amazing, even the adults since yesterday I was holding a little boy and walking and ran into his mother who just laughed that I was holding her child and let me take him with me even though she had no clue who I was. I love every day in this beautiful country through the happy times and the tough times with some things you experience and see. Don't worry Mom and Dad, I'm doing great and having an amazing time, but I still miss you guys and Collin and everyone else tons! My Mom had been impatient for me to blog, so I hope she likes this one and isn't too worried about me! And Dad don't worry I'm still staying in shape and probably stronger from all my new building and digging experience I'm getting.

Sala Hantle (stay well),

Lauren Buelow ’19

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