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Lumela from Lesotho

Lumela from Lesotho! 

Today we switched sites and were at the habitat site. We started with a "warm up" of carrying 100+ cinder blocks down a hill to the build site. Theres nothing quite getting a good morning cinder block grind (trust us on this one). Once we made a big pile of cinder blocks we took a break and then divided them into smaller piles. After that we broke into different groups and that's when the real fun began. We got to dig a hole a meter deep it was exciting and no we are not being sarcastic, it was a total blast. The best part.... PICKAXING!!!!!! That might not sound like it to the average human but we are not your average humans, we're sure our parents and friends agree on that one. Trust us grunting helps a lot. Pickaxing is very therapeutic. It is incredibly satisfying. There is nothing like picturing the face of your enemy (or an ex boyfriend/girlfriend) in the dirt and putting a pickaxe through it. Starting the hole in a spot in which you can dig easily and above ground to all of a sudden being hips deep in a hole is extremely rewarding. Seeing the work everyone was putting into digging the hole and the joy it brought us was unreal. Oh yeah, remember when we said grunting helps, well there was a donkey in the village and we think it thought we were talking to it just to put our grunting into perspective. 

Incase you were wondering we are having an amazing time and growing a lot as people. 

Signing off, 

Carter and Maya :) 

ps. Mom, dad, and t i love y'all tons -Maya 

pss. Mom, dad, Alyssa dido!! - Carter 

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