
Honors Thesis Archive

AuthorJulie Campbell
TitleLifebooks: Effective tool in the Adoption and Foster Care Systems or Not?
AdvisorJerry Pankhurst, Keith Doubt, Lori Askeland
HonorsUniversity Honors
Full Text (136 KB)
AbstractThere has been very little research done on the use of lifebooks as a tool for children and families in the adoption and foster care systems. Currently lifebook making is mandated by Child Services in all of Ohio yet there is variety in literature and study on whether the lifebooks are effectively accomplishing the goals and purposes as described and set by social workers, Child Services, and foster care agencies themselves. Based on the interviews and written correspondence with two specialists, five foster and adoptive parents, and two former foster care children 1) The goals and purposes of lifebooks are understood somewhat unanimously across the groups; 2) Including as much of the childrens lives as possible assists in the understanding and making sense of their past and why they are where they are now; and 3) Each book and each lifebook making process must be tailored to the children's needs, maturity, and circumstance, especially when there is abuse in the children's past. Complete data collection, analysis, and implications for further research are provided.

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