
Blackfall IV: Electric Boogaloo (Spring 2006)

The GM's Notes

As you can imagine, this is the fourth Blackfall game I’ve run. It seemed to be a hit when it first started, with the City By the Spire becoming almost synonymous with madness, sanity-draining horror, and those crazy illithid. So, when the premise of bringing Blackfall around one last time came up, I decided to jump on it with both feet.

The game itself was rather interesting. Blackfall has always had large PC groups attached to it—8 in Blackfall I, at least 10 in Blackfall II—but this one was somewhat smaller. Here, I only had 6 players. However, they were more than enough to handle.

As usual, the groups had conflicting goals, most of which centered around the use of Binding magic (found in WotC’s Tome of Magic) and the sword known to all old- school gamers as Blackrazor. The backgrounds, as you can see, are a little lengthy, but were pretty well laid out. The only problem was that, with 10 backgrounds and only 6 gamers, some people had to double-dip. Also, the focus on the personal backgrounds seemed to have been lost in translation.

Ironically, even though this was a mixed-alignment game with no detections permitted, the players almost immediately divided themselves along alignment lines: Jules, Chris, and Nick formed one group; Karl, James, and Lionel formed another. Odd, but not really surprising, aside from the fact that James was the Order of the Seropaenes hunter, while both Karl and Lionel were the binders of the party. Needless to say, the goal was not fulfilled on either end.

I had been toying around with many of the locales in Blackfall for sometime—a plague-ridden temporary hospital, Sa-Raine’s immortal lab, the caldera of MoonRaker Spire, the illithid city below Blackfall. However, the Dancing Dryad playhouse, where “The King in Yellow” premiered, was not mine: I lifted that from the DMG II and from a recent issue of Dungeon magazine. Let it be known, though, that I was planning on using the Yellow Sign stuff long before that issue came out—it just fell into my lap at a convenient time.

When writing this, I’d always had the goal that Blackfall would eventually be saved. Somehow, someway, the PCs would manage—after royally messing up 3 separate time-streams—to prevent the illithid from taking over completely. Unfortunately, such was not the case. Thanks to some poorly timed saving throws in at the premiere of “The King in Yellow”, the party self-destructed.

However, talking to Nick afterwards—his character and Chris’s survived— perhaps a final blow to the illithid may have happened. They had allied themselves strongly with Bohemond, the near-epic-level Templar of Heironeous, who would have brought with him the spellcasting might of Yvain, the Court Librarian, who was actually a half-celestial in disguise. I like to think that, in the end, they triumphed, and Blackfall was spared the madness of the Realm of Mists.

I’d like to thank all the people thusfar who have made Blackfall a fun, interesting, and (above all!) unique. Players, co-conspirators, and even assistant GMs, I truly appreciate the times you’ve spent with me in the City By the Spire.

That said, I’d like to announce a pet project that I’ve been working on for quite sometime. I’m currently working on putting together a 64-96 page PDF of Blackfall for use as a “drag-and-drop” mini-campaign setting. I plan to spend a good deal of my time this summer working on it, and will hopefully be in the editing phase by the time this school year starts.

Naturally, all of you—those people who made Blackfall what it was—will be getting a free playtesting credit for your help. Some of your PCs, in fact, will actually become NPCs in the final copy. If you have any ideas for me, or character stats that you can provide, they will be greatly appreciated. If I’ve left you off of the “Known Playtesters” list, let me know and I’ll add you.

Thanks again!

  • Known Playtesters:
  • Callon H.
  • Simon S.
  • Nick P.
  • Karl S.
  • 鶹ý J.
  • Emily M.
  • Julia M.
  • Sarah B.
  • Chris V.
  • Maranda M.
  • James R.
  • Eric L.
  • Lionel W.
The Cast of Characters
  • Daishar: Male Human Rogue (Chris V.)
    Daishar, Background Note #1:

    The gold-barges of Blackfall weren’t just given that name because it was cute. The barges’ trading system with the lower cities of Windlass and Hilltopple bring in thousands of gil every month—millions in a year, no doubt. Typically, while this trade could be lucrative…it’s just not fast enough for you. Besides, what you know about river-sailing and shipping routes you could fit on the tip of a dagger.

    However, you do know one powerful law of economics—scarcity drives up the price. That much you understand, and you can take action on that much. A gnomish merchant called Gobbynock has been rumored to be bringing in a huge shipment of spices from the Far South—including a 4 pound cache of saffron, one of the rarest spices in existence. If you could get your hands on that, it’d be easy sailing from there-on-out.

    One major problem remains, though. Gobbynock has a powerful golem in his control that is designed to guard the inner cabins of his gold-barge. However, rumor has it that there’s a Golembane Scarab floating somewhere around the Black Markets of Blackfall. You may have to take on some other task to get it from its owner, but either some simple gold or your own skills may suffice in acquiring the Scarab.

    • Task 1: Acquire a Golembane Scarab, by hook or by crook.
    • Task 2: Sneak into Gobbynock’s gold-barge, capture his saffron, and find a buyer.
    Daishar, Background Note #2:

    Thanks to some larcenous activities from your past, you’ve come into quite the find—a powerful relic from the Frostfell. Known as the Staff of Winter, this rod has a host of powerful spell-like abilities, but the most powerful one terrifies all. The Staff of Winter has the ability to summon a massive blizzard, complete with driving wind, feet of thick snow, and frigid temperatures. Once this blizzard sets in, there’s no going back—it lasts for nigh on two months, at least.

    Typically, this sort of devastation is done by command only. However, when you first acquired the Staff, it was damaged in the ensuing fight. Since then, the Staff has been uncontrollable. The fate of the Northern city of Dar-Nahvar weighs heavily on your mind because of this fact—after staying too long there, their city was crippled for nearly six months. Many sick and elderly died.

    However, rumor has it that Blackfall may have the answers you seek to ridding yourself of this curse and atoning for the tragedy of Dar-Nahvar. Many powerful wizards and sages reside there, like the necromancer Jason Sa-Raine and the court librarian Yvain. If you can seek upon their wisdom, you may be able to restore or destroy the Staff before the dread blizzard sets in.

    • Task 1: Find information on how to either repair or destroy the Staff of Winter.
    • Task 2: Execute your plan before the blizzard sets in. You have 7 days.

    Note: You gain the Staff of Winter and a Wand of Reduce. The Staff is now at a size of 16 inches. See the DM for stats and abilities.

  • Unnamed: Male (Nick P.)
    Unamed, Background Note #1:

    This section of your background is SECRET. Do not share it with any other PC. Do your best to complete your goals without the other players realizing it.

    You are one of the few who know the truth. Throughout all of the planes, all of the various alternate realities in all of the Multiverse, you are one of the few that know the true importance of Blackfall.

    Beneath the foundations of where Blackfall stands now, beneath the ruins of countless towns and cities, the foundations of terror—past, present, and future—were formed. Illithid from the distant future, facing a threat capable of destroying the multiverse, traveled back to the distant past, in the hopes of restoring their empire and changing fate. The site of their first landing in the past, as well as their empire-shattering defeat by the Gith armies, is where Blackfall rests today.

    Due to the meddling of a group of adventurers, Illithid were able to take over Blackfall by corrupting an alternate version of Maelbrek IV and gaining access to an artifact called the Staff of Winter. However, their conquest was cut short 6 months later, when another group of adventurers destroyed a newly-found Illithid time-travel device while it was in mid- operation. This action slid Blackfall into an alternate time-stream, in which the city was ravaged, but not destroyed. A group of planar travelers, alongside a group known as the Tauri, investigated this anomaly and eventually defeated a Tsochar usurper who was hoping to use the Illithids’ lost technology for his own gain. However, this interference from another plane disrupted the earlier time-stream, moving Blackfall back into the original time- stream, several months before Maelbrek IV was corrupted.

    However, none of that explains the reason behind the mind flayers’ diligence in pursuing Blackfall as a target. The true reason behind their perseverance can be summed up in one word: Y’Golonac. Y’Golonac, a progenitor creature from the plane known as Far Realm, first spawned the illithid race several thousand (and at least 4 time-streams) ago. After slipping silently onto the Prime Material plane and causing the creation of the illithid, the gods banded together and bound Y’Golonac beneath the MoonRaker Spire—the very mountain upon which Blackfall sits. The illithid of today, seeking to attain the dominance that they came so close to attaining in the prior time-stream (between the first and the second fall of Blackfall), have joined their psionic and arcane might in the hopes of freeing Y’Golonac from his moldering prison and gaining the true depth of their abilities. The story does not end there, though. Rather than simply some imprisoned entity, Y’Golonac is currently known as a vestige—a creature outside of the typical cycle of life, death, and immortality. When the gods trapped him, only a small portion of his prison lay within MoonRaker Spire. His real prison lies beyond this Misty Veil, in a realm known as Bluetspur—a blasted land where he alone is dominant. If the illithid complete their attempt to free Y’Golonac, the precise opposite of their desire will take place—they, and the entire city of Blackfall with them, will be entrapped in Bluetspur for all time.

    As a Regulator, you are privy to this information. It is your duty and your obligation to silently guide the Multiverse to its natural equilibrium. The illithid plot must not succeed, and none must find out about the importance of Blackfall and MoonRaker Spire. Life must go on, and you must ensure that it does.

    • Task 1: Ensure that the illithid plot to raise Y’Golonac does not occur. Find the illithid within Blackfall and ensure that their plot does not succeed. Secrecy is of the utmost import.
    Unamed, Background Note #2:

    This section of your background is SECRET. Do not share it with any other PC. Do your best to complete your goals without the other players realizing it.

    You have known Bertrand, the newly installed High Acolyte of Pelor, for years. Having grown up in his hometown of Windlass, you knew what he was like through his youth— boorish, arrogant, and self-righteous. In your eyes, that makes him perfect for the job like Head Acolyte of Pelor. The only problem is that…Bertrand has never worshipped Pelor. Bertrand has never worshipped any god.

    Admittedly, you haven’t heard from Bertrand in at least 3 years, but to become Head Acolyte of a major faith in that time? Absurd…

    You’re determined to get to the bottom of this bizarre situation, but getting started has been a problem. Perhaps one of the other faiths or organizations in Blackfall can aid you.

    • Task 1: Gather information on Bertrand from the organizations, faiths, and monarchy of Blackfall.
    • Task 2: Get to the bottom of this groovy mystery.
  • Aliana: Female Dark Necromancer (James R.)
    Aliana, Background Note #1:

    This section of your background is SECRET. Do not share it with any other PC. Do your best to complete your goals without the other players realizing it.

    As a budding member of the Order of Illumination, it is your solemn duty to hunt out evil wherever it is found—especially when that evil comes from one fallen from grace. It has recently come to your attention that one of the people that you have been allied with has been in association with a group called the Seropaenes—a union of individuals that hunt down witches and the like. However, these Seropaenes have fallen deeply from grace, and now associate with the necromantic cults of Vecna and Wee Jas.

    In order to become a fully Illuminated member, it is your duty to find and exterminate this individual before their plans reach fruition.

    Beyond this, rumors abound about the demonic sword ‘Blackrazor’ being found within the wards of Blackfall. In your travels, if you can find this sword and a method for its destruction, the Order of Illumination would surely reward you handsomely.

    • Task 1: Find and eliminate the party member allied with the Order of Seropaenes.
    • Task 2: Find the sword ‘Blackrazor’ and destroy it, by any means necessary.
  • Malthanalsis: Male Wood-Elf Fighter/Scout/Tempest (Karl S.)
    Malthanalsis, Background Note #1:

    This section of your background is SECRET. Do not share it with any other PC. Do your best to complete your goals without the other players realizing it.

    Since birth, you have been gifted with abilities beyond those of mortal minds. Born under the gaze of a powerful being, you have that being’s sign emblazoned on your body and are able to call upon that being for aid in your most dire struggles. Naturally, these powers have taken you down the path of the adventurer, and have earned you both allies and enemies along the way.

    These abilities aided you most when you were hired by the Head Guildmaster of Hilltopple to investigate a new play being put on in town entitled “The King in Yellow”. While investigating this play, you discovered that its actors had subtly embedded psionic charms into the script to coerce viewers into worshipping a malevolent force known as Y’Golonac. While you were able to put a stop the actor’s ruse, you quickly found that they were not alone in putting forward this plot—the play was soon to go on the road to a city known as Blackfall.

    The only problem is that, while investigating these actors, you ran afoul of a powerful organization known as the Order of Seropaenes. They seem to decry abilities such as yours, and seem adamant about ensuring that your existence ends swiftly and violently. You are sure that at least one agent of the Seropaenes is tracking you in Blackfall, but he has not emerged yet, and you have a job to do…

    • Task 1: Shut down the Blackfall production of “The King in Yellow” and find out more about its connection to Y’Golonac.
    • Task 2: Elude the Seropaenes tracker by any means necessary.

    Note: You gain the Bind Vestige feat for free. See the DM for details.

  • Kishmore: Female Kalastar Psion (Jules M.)
    Kishmore: Background Note #1:

    This section of your background is SECRET. Do not share it with any other PC. Do your best to complete your goals without the other players realizing it.

    As a budding member of the Order of Illumination, it is your solemn duty to hunt out evil wherever it is found—especially when that evil comes from one fallen from grace. It has recently come to your attention that one of the people that you have been allied with has been in association with a group called the Seropaenes—a union of individuals that hunt down witches and the like. However, these Seropaenes have fallen deeply from grace, and now associate with the necromantic cults of Vecna and Wee Jas.

    In order to become a fully Illuminated member, it is your duty to find and exterminate this individual before their plans reach fruition.

    Beyond this, rumors abound about the demonic sword ‘Blackrazor’ being found within the wards of Blackfall. In your travels, if you can find this sword and a method for its destruction, the Order of Illumination would surely reward you handsomely.

    • Task 1: Find and eliminate the party member allied with the Order of Seropaenes.
    • Task 2: Find the sword ‘Blackrazor’ and destroy it, by any means necessary.
  • Tarvan of the Slaughter: Male Human Paladin of the Slaughter (Lionel W.)
    Tarvan, Background Note #1:

    This section of your background is SECRET. Do not share it with any other PC. Do your best to complete your goals without the other players realizing it.

    This section of your background is SECRET. Do not share it with any other PC. Do your best to complete your goals without the other players realizing it.

    After a recent plundering of the fabled White Plume Mountain dungeon, the adventurer known as Girard MonDialus has perished in Blackfall. However, his body was never recovered. Girard was known best, after his successful excursion to White Plume Mountain, for wielding the infamous sword Blackrazor—a cold iron blade capable of, quite literally, stealing the souls of those that it slayed.

    While not a close friend, you had swapped stories with Girard several times over an eating- hall’s fire, and had grown to know him fairly well. The last time you had spoken to Girard, he mentioned a new experiment by a mage named Dorian. So far, that’s the only lead you have to go on…both to find your acquaintance and, barring that, finding his legendary blade.

    • Task 1: Seek out the mage Dorian, so that you can find Girard MonDialus.
    • Task 2: Find the Blackrazor.
    Tarvan, Background Note #2:

    Death! Chaos! Murder and mayhem!

    The dread lord Tenebrous has gifted you with a sign of his visage—a blackened silver disc that bears his etching. There are those who say that Tenebrous does not exist—that he was only a false identity used by Orcus to return from life, following the death of the Modron Lord, Primus.

    You, however, know better. You know of the dark power of Tenebrous firsthand, and have felt his caress. However the so-called “righteous” fools of this city think otherwise. Tenebrous demands blood and souls, and you seek his favor. There are surely numerous ways to destroy this foolish city—it’s just a matter of finding the easiest and most accessible. However, Tenebrous has gifted you with further knowledge. His true symbol—a circular design that can be used to call upon his true power—resides somewhere beneath the city. Find it, and you find Tenebrous’ true power.

    • Task 1: Find Tenebrous’ seal and use it to garner the Dark Lord’s true power.
    • Task 2: Destroy the pitiful wretches of Blackfall.

    Notes: You gain the Bind Vestige feat for free. See the DM for more info.

  • Game Master = Primogen Andy K.
Character Tales:

HARDCORE!, and John too

Tarvan replacing all the swords and daggers in the playhouse with real swords and daggers. Then watching the confusion on the actors faces as they marched onto stage with swords and daggers despite there not really being any swords or daggers called for in the play.

Tarvan: "Now remember to really act out the death scenes, make us believe you are dying!"

Aliana making zombie kobolds dance on stage.

Blackfall IV Campaign Secrets
  • 1a: There are two binders in the party—one of Tenebrous (#6) and one of another vestige (#10).
  • 1b: Y’Golonac is “imprisoned” in a cavern complex beneath the ruined lab of Jason Sa-Raine, in the Blackfall sewers.
  • 2a: Dorian is currently being held by the Blackfall City Watch under constant surveillance for illegally applying elemental grafts. Girard MonDialus accepted two opposing grafts—one air, one earth—and went insane. He was last seen on MoonRaker Spire.
  • 2b: Izorek currently wields the Blackrazor and is disguised as Bertrand, the High Acolyte of Pelor.
  • 3a: Jason Sa-Raine’s laboratory is within the Blackfall sewers, under the MoonRaked River.
  • 3b: The Infernal Device is located in Sa-Raine’s lab, though the instructions to use it were destroyed. The mage, Dorian, has knowledge enough to use it.
  • 4a: The person with Background 1 is allied with the Seropaenes.
  • 4b: Izorek currently wields Blackrazor and is disguised as Bertrand, the High Acolyte of Pelor.
  • 5a: Yvain, the Court Librarian, and Mordecai, a Cancer Mage from the First Ward, both have access to a GolemBane Scarab.
  • 5b: The cache of saffron in Gobbynock’s barge is of the highest quality. Only someone with illicit connections in the Inner Ward can afford it—Lady Aribeth deWinter is one such woman, but is also a cultist of Y’Golonac.
  • 6a: Tenebrous’s seal lies within the Temple of Heironeous, guarded by Bohemond, a Paladin/Dwarven Defender/Topaz Guardian.
  • 6b: There are numerous ways to destroy Blackfall, not the least of which is the Staff of Winter, held by the character with Background 9.
  • 7: Well…you know just about everything. The illithid are in an Underdark complex called Shee-Naleth-Corian, which lies under the foot of MoonRaker Spire. The best known entrance is within Jason Sa-Raine’s laboratory, in the Blackfall sewers.
  • 8a: Bertrand was enthralled, then killed by the illithid several weeks prior to his ascension to the High Acolyte position. The only witness was a Devotee of Orcus, who followed Izorek. Izorek took advantage of the situation and used a Hat of Disguise to impersonate the priest and take control of his congregation.
  • 8b: See above.
  • 9a: The Court Librarian, Yvain, can research a way to destroy the Staff of Winter—casting a Heightened “Heat Metal” on it, then casting it into the caldera of MoonRaker Spire. The artificer Gobbynock actually can re-tool the Staff of Winter to make it usable, but this requires the trapped souls of 40 innocents—the only item that has this available is the Blackrazor. The Cancer Mage, Mordecai, claims to be able to restore the Staff of Winter, but he lies.
  • 9b: Yvain’s research takes at least 2 days, but he does not need the Staff of Winter with him. Gobbynock’s re-tooling takes 2 days, but requires the Staff of Winter both days to do so. Mordecai claims to be able to restore the Staff in half a day.
  • 10a: “The King in Yellow” is set to have its full-stage debut in the Second Ward, at the Dancing Dryad playhouse (curtain at 8pm on the third day that the heroes are in Blackfall). There are numerous ways to foil this performance.
  • 10b: One of the other party members (Background 1) is a Seropaenes-affiliated hunter.
Blackfall IV—Overarching Plotline, Adventure 1: The End of Days

As the PCs enter Blackfall, one of the first things that they should notice is the amount of sickness and disease abounding throughout the First Ward. Hope seems to be slim, as many of the patrons of the First Ward lie writhing in the streets, delirious from the effects of disease.

After receiving their summons from King Maelbrek IV, the PCs are greeted by a heavily armed Royal Escort and taken to the Palace of Blackfall. There, Chancellor Corith Pyrd greets them and brings the PCs into a meeting room. He announces to the PCs that Maelbrek has fallen ill with the plague that has swept the city, and that the various guilds of the city have shut the gates separating the First and Second Wards—no one from the First Ward can enter the inner portions of the city.

Pyrd has reason to believe that Jason Sa-Raine, a necromancer slain by the Acolytes of Pelor several months ago, is behind the plague, Sa-Raine’s laboratory was sealed by orders of the King. With the king ill and the chancellor in charge, Pyrd wants answers. He commissions the group for two tasks: finding some way to stave off the plague from within the city itself, and infiltrating Sa-Raine’s lab to see if his notes could provide an answer.

Section 1a: Ravings and Delusions

Goal: Find a way to slow/cure the plague from within Blackfall.

  • Possible solutions:
  • Black Market—The leader of the Assassin’s guild, Sergei Stantinov, can potentially steal Wands of Cure Disease from the Temple of Boccob. The temple is located in the Second Ward, so they are sealed off from the masses. Sergei does not work without payment, though—he has been making quite a killing off of the plague and wants the PCs to make it worth his while. He wants the heads of both Bohemond, the High Templar of Heironeous, and Garrick Nordheimer, the Head City Watchman.
  • Cure the plague singlehandedly—A properly equipped cleric/druid could, potentially, cure the plague in two days. However, Mordecai does not let up, and must be found.
  • Fire and brimstone—the plague is worst in the slums, where abandoned buildings are home to many homeless persons. Simply wiping them out could slow the plague’s spread enough to find a cure.
  • Look to the plainsmen—The medicine men of the herders outside of Blackfall often have medicinal therapies that can work wonders during plagues. However, they often require tasks or supplies from those who would come seeking their aid.
  • Complications:
  • The PCs are being stalked by Mordecai, the Cancer Mage. Eventually, he will have them ambushed by thugs. Mordecai is a devotee of Orcus and follows Izorek. If the PCs find Mordecai’s hideout, they will also find notes on how he created the plague. The healers at either the Temple of Heironeous or the Temple of Boccob can help to stem the tide. The Temple of Pelor, with Izorek in charge, will hinder the PCs in their attempts.
  • The Temple of Pelor, under Bertrand/Izorek, has been preaching that the plague is a sign of the End Times. They claim that the gods’ wrath is great upon this city, and that cleansing fire is needed to appease them. Naturally, this is Izorek’s doing, as he attempts to sway the populace towards the worship of Orcus.
  • The PCs begin hearing of a new play that has been showing up randomly in the First Ward. The play, called “The King in Yellow,” is set to debut in the Second Ward within a few days. Graffiti across the First Ward often depicts a strange yellow marking on walls, and delirious plague-victims often ask “Have you seen the Yellow Sign?”

Section 1b: Into the Abyss

Goal: Infiltrate the laboratory of Jason Sa-Raine and attempt to find a cure.
(Lair found in Magic of Eberron: Karnnathi Research Facility.)

  • Complications:
  • Encounters with aberrations in the city sewers. Behir fight?
  • Encounters with undead in Sa-Raine’s lab. Still programmed to defend against interlopers.
  • Ernst Zolar, a half-elf lich, still resides in one of the living quarters of Sa-Raine’s laboratory. While a lich, he has no designs on Blackfall whatsoever—he truly wants to take his research and continue work outside of the city. The PCs may aid or destroy him as they see fit. If the PCs parlay, he explains that Sa-Raine had nothing to do with the plague—rather, another mage in the city named Mordecai is behind it. If they aid Ernst, he can show them the more hidden portions of Sa-Raine’s lab and give them access to the legions of undead that Sa-Raine had created, in an attempt to take over Blackfall.
  • At the edge of a warded secret tunnel leading from Sa-Raine’s lab to the illithid lair, Bohemond has placed a message. As a member of the group that infiltrated Sa- Raine’s lab, he saw exactly what was going on—Sa-Raine was still trying to take over Blackfall, while simultaneously being engaged by the illithid right on his doorstep. This, essentially, put him into a two-front war which he ultimately lost. Bohemond’s message tells the PCs vaguely of the dangers beyond the tunnel and asks that they come to meet him in the Temple of Heironeous.
  • As the PCs go to leave, they are ambushed by an illithid scouting party. Among the illithid’s thralls are a Swashbuckler and a Warlock. If the illithid are freed before the pair die, they can become useful allies against the illithid in the future.
Blackfall IV—Overarching Plotline, Adventure 2: The King in Yellow

The PCs, having averted the plague that has swept Blackfall, now have several leads to go on. The message left by Templar Bohemond should remain deep in their minds. A meeting with him should take place shortly after their return to Blackfall proper.

Bohemond will meet with the PCs in a secret vault beneath the Temple of Heironeous. He asks them many questions about their business in Blackfall and what they have discovered so far. Bohemond becomes increasingly distressed and begins filling the PCs in on what he knows from the past. He also glances occasionally at an empty, still- locked display case that once held a weapon of some sort. Bohemond is loathe to explain it, but eventually succumbs, telling of a daring raid by the Orcus-devotee Izorek to retrieve the sword known as Afterlife. Izorek since vanished, after Bohemond pursued him up the side of MoonRaker Spire. Many bizarre creatures have been seen there, so Bohemond believes that the illithid now hold one of the most potent weapons in the world—Afterlife. However, this is not the only difficulty. On a late night walk, Bohemond spotted a powerful noblewoman, Lady Aribeth deWinter, meeting in a dark First Ward alley with a creature that could only be an illithid! Needless to say, the PCs must tread carefully in finding out what connection might be had there…

Section 2a: Needle and Spire

Goal: Deduce what happened to Afterlife and find the truth about Izorek.

  • Complications:
  • Climbing up the side of MoonRaker Spire is difficult. While the mines criss-crossing the lower foothills are numerous, as the adventurers near the caldera, it becomes more and more difficult to climb. Aerial encounters, particularly of the pseudonatural variety, should do well here.
  • Illithid occasionally run scouting raids inside the caldera and through the lower mines, hoping to find some cast-off technology that they may have lost in another time-stream, or simply to pick off some miners for dinner. These scouting parties often include umber hulks, which use their burrow and tremorsense abilities flawlessly.
  • Fiery encounters should take place more often as the heroes enter the caldera. While not active, the volcano is not extinct, as many would believe. Rather, a properly discharged series of spells could, indeed, cause the volcano to become active and flood the city with lava.
  • If the PCs defeat the major encounter within the caldera (TBD), they will find the remnants of Bertrand, the priest of Pelor. Needless to say, this will raise questions in their mind of how to proceed, as the person impersonating Bertrand must be quite powerful…

Section 2b: The Curtain Falls

Goal: Find what connections “The King in Yellow” has to the nobility and stop its performance.

  • Complications:
  • Since this portion of the adventure is primarily character-based, many different events can occur here. Depending on how stealthy the PCs are, they may or may not be detected. If they are, Lady deWinter does not hesitate to call the City Watch on the PCs for harassment and trespassing, if applicable.
  • Lady deWinter is extremely hard to defame, though the PCs may try their best. Her brother sits on the Council of Eleven, who practically run Blackfall, and her husband was knighted by King Maelbrek himself. However, before the showing of “The King in Yellow,” there is a “nobles only” premiere party, which she and her husband will be attending. If the PCs can attend, they can more accurately track her movements and motives.
  • The play itself is a series of subtly implanted psionic suggestions, each with a Will DC of 16. The longer the PCs stay within the play itself, the more likely they are to be enthralled by its sanity-shattering hidden messages.
  • The backstage area holds several important clues that point to the connection between Lady deWinter (and several other nobles) and the illithid beneath Blackfall. For the most part, the nobles are not enthralled—rather, they see Y’Golonac as a new trend and a possible savior for this ‘wretched city’. Most of these nobles live, simply for the joy of the illithid’s forced orgies and the drug-induced stupor of the mind flayers’ opiates.
  • Expect a chase scene with Lady deWinter when the PCs find the illithid notes in the backstage area. While the PCs should probably already know of the entrance to the illithid lair through Sa-Raine’s lab, they may not know about the entrance in the MoonRaker Spire caldera unless they’ve rendezvoused with the prior group. Regardless, it should be clear that there are two specific entrances within Blackfall.
Blackfall IV—Overarching Plotline, Adventure 3: The Black Fall
Goal: Infiltrate the Illithid base and disassemble their plans to raise Y’Golonac.

  • Complications:
  • While, truly, the entire party has the same overall goal here, they will again be split into two separate groups to achieve the same end. If no one suggests it, Bohemond will recommend splitting into two groups—one to enter through the caldera, one to enter through Sa-Raine’s lab.
  • Depending on the choices that the PCs make throughout the adventure, the players may have allies in their quest. These allies may include: Bohemond (Templar Magnum of Heironeous); Garrick Nordheimer (Head Watchman); Ernst Zolar and his undead (Half-Elf lich); Yvain (Half-Celestial guardian); Reynaldo (Swashbuckler) and Drax (Warlock). Note that some of these NPCs will not work together, such as Yvain and Ernst. Negotiating a ‘truce’ and splitting up these groups may be their best option.
  • In each case, a simply populated dungeon should fit the bill. Start, particularly, with the maps in the Cartography Folio and work from there. Any major aberration should fit, within reason. In the caldera, fire-tainted creatures should fit, as well.
  • At some point, Izorek (if he still lives) may join one of the groups of PCs. He has probably been exposed at this point, so has no compunctions about exposing his secret to them. He feels that this juncture could place him firmly on the throne of Blackfall—destroy the illithid who are in his way, along with some of the most powerful forces for good in Blackfall. If he survives till the summoning chamber, he turns on the PCs partway through the battle.
Blackfall IV—Overarching Plotline, The Final Encounters:

When the PCs reach the illithid lair, they should begin to feel worn down. Their allies may be running out of spells or even dead. Regardless, they must press on, lest the illithid “succeed” in their attempt to raise Y’Golonac. Use the map of the illithid outpost for the final encounters, with the summoning chamber replacing the elder brain’s lair.

  • The final battle should include:
  • At least 2 Ulitharid
  • 2 Brain Golems
  • 4 illithid, including Xiltictn (Psion) and Lincorlq (Body Tamer)
  • 4-6 Umber Hulks or other suitable meat-shield
  • Any remaining actors from “The King in Yellow”
  • Lady deWinter (Fleshwarper/Adept)

If the PCs Succeed:

The illithid threat is forever vanquished and Izorek’s claim to rule is at an end. King Maelbrek dies peaceably in his sleep and Chancellor Corith Pyrd executes a lawful transfer of power over to an elected oligarchy. Bohemond and Garrick (if they still live) are both elected to the Council of Nine. Some of the PCs may also be elected, if they so choose to retire.

If the Illithid Succeed:

The PCs, their allies and Izorek are dead. The ritual to raise Y’Golonac takes place, but something goes amiss. The entirety of Blackfall is surrounded by thick, gray mist and is transplanted to a rocky, barren world known as Bluetspur. There, Y’Golonac’s madness reigns and the illithid quickly lay siege to the city. The citizens who are not immediately devoured or enthralled go utterly mad. The illithid rejoice in their newfound power, until they realize that they are trapped in this land, unable to expand or conquer any longer.

If Izorek Succeeds:

The illithid plot has ended, but the noble PCs have fallen. Izorek uses his influence as Bertrand to infiltrate the Council of Nine. Three years later, in a war with a neighboring country, Izorek takes command of the army and makes his claim to the empty throne of Blackfall. By this point, he has so warped the clergy of Pelor that they now openly worship Orcus. Fear reigns, and Izorek rules with a brutal sword in each hand: Afterlife and Blackrazor.

Blackfall IV NPCs—Allies
Blackfall IV NPCs—Allies
NameRaceClasses (Level)Location
BohemondDwarfPaladin/DwD/Topaz Guardian (6/8/3)Second Ward
YvainHalf-Celestial ElfSorcerer (12)Inner Ward
Ernst ZolarHalf-Elf LichSorcerer (11)Sa-Raine’s Lab
Dak DesharikHumanSpirit Shaman (8)City Outskirts
Corith PyrdHalf-ElfAristocrat (10)City Palace
ReynaldoHumanSwashbuckler (9)Sa-Raine’s Lab
DraxHumanWarlock/Barbarian (5/4)Sa-Raine’s Lab
Garrick NordheimerHalf-OrcRanger (12) (C.W. Capt.)Second Ward
Sergei StantinovHumanRogue/Assassin (6/5)First Ward
Blackfall IV NPCs—Enemies
Blackfall IV NPCs—Enemies
NameRaceClasses (Level)Location
MordecaiGnomeRogue/Sorcerer/Cancer Mage (3/4/8)First Ward
IzorekHumanPaladin (CE)/Warrior of Darkness (5/10)Inner Ward
Aribeth deWinterElfAdept/FleshwarperInner Ward
XiltictnIllithidPsion (6)Illithid Lair
LincorlqIllithidFighter/Body Tamer (2/8)Illithid Lair
Belthan BrocadeTsochar-HumanBard (14)Second Ward
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