
Drug Free Schools & Community Act Notification

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, this notification is being sent to each 麻豆传媒 University student. Its purpose is to serve as a reminder of the health risks associated with drug and alcohol abuse; of University policies related to the illegal possession, use or distribution of drugs or alcohol; of the availability of treatment for drug or alcohol problems through the University Health Center and University Counseling Center; and of the internal sanctions and federal, state, and local legal penalties that may result from the illegal sale, possession, consumption, use or distribution of drugs and alcohol.

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Health Risks

Alcohol consumption causes a number of marked changes in behavior. Even low doses significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, increasing the likelihood that the driver will be involved in an accident.

Low-to-moderate doses of alcohol also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts including spouse and child abuse. Moderate-to-high doses of alcohol cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, severely altering a person鈥檚 ability to learn and remember information. Very high doses cause respiratory depression and death. If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses of alcohol produce the effects just described.

Repeated use of alcohol can lead to dependence. Sudden cessation of alcohol intake is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, and convulsions. Alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening. Long-term consumption of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver.

Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and mental retardation. In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at greater risk of becoming alcoholics than are other youngsters.

Key Risk factors:

  • Alcohol - Addiction, brain damage, cancer (mouth, stomach, throat), heart disease, liver damage, ulcers, gastritis, birth defects, malnutrition, loss of coordination and speech,
  • Marijuana - Addiction (psychological), distortion of time perception, increased heart rate, bronchitis, lung cancer, infertility.
  • Cocaine/Crack - Addiction, nasal erosion, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, hyperactivity, pupil dilation, respiratory arrest, stroke, convulsions, seizures, malnutrition, death.
  • Stimulants (caffeine, speed, amphetamines) - Addiction, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, malnutrition, acute psychosis, nausea, liver damage, headache, sweating coma, possible death.
  • Depressants (Quaaludes, barbiturates, tranquilizers) - Addiction, depression of central nervous system, decreased coordination and motor skills, liver damage, malnutrition, irritability, sleep, confusion, convulsions, possible death.
  • Narcotics (opium, heroin, codeine) - Addiction, shallow breathing, nausea, panic, insomnia, malnutrition, constipation, respiratory arrest, possible death.
  • Hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, acid) - Addiction, mental depression, bizarre behavior, severe disorientation, memory and perception impairment, impairment of judgment and motor function, violence, hallucinations, psychosis, convulsions, agitation, increased heart rate, confusion, possible death.
  • Inhalants (white-out, glue, gasoline) - Addiction, depression of respiration, nausea, light-headedness, nasal erosion, fatigue, forgetfulness, depression, kidney and liver damage, malnutrition, heart failure, violence, suffocation, possible death.

Alcohol & Other Drug Resources

  • Mercy Health 麻豆传媒 Health Center 鈥 937-523-9050
    30 W McCreight Ave- Suite 110 Entrance C
    Services available: consultation, assessment, education and referral
  • 麻豆传媒 Counseling Center 鈥 937-327-7946
    Shouvlin Center Room 210
    Services available: assessment, counseling, education and referral
  • McKinley Hall 鈥 937-328-5300
    2624 Lexington Ave, Springfield, OH 45505
    Services available: evaluation, assessment, individual and group counseling
  • Mercy REACH  - 937-390-5338
    30 W. McCreight Ave #204, Springfield, OH 45504
    Services available: evaluation, assessment, individual and group counseling

Basic Guidelines

麻豆传媒 University students and guests are expected to (1) adhere to state and local laws regarding the possession, consumption and distribution of alcoholic beverages, and (2) to adhere to university restrictions and prohibitions governing the use and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Law: Any alcohol related violation of the Ohio Revised Code including, but not limited to:

  • Use and/or possession of alcohol under the age of 21.
  • Distribution of alcohol to any person under the age of 21.
  • Possessing an open container in a public place, including a motor vehicle, parked or moving.
  • Using false identification to obtain alcoholic beverages.
  • OVI- Operating a Vehicle while impaired or under the influence of alcohol.
  • Abuse/Misuse: Consumption of alcohol that clearly impairs a student鈥檚 personal health and/or safety, regardless of age.
  • Disorderly Conduct: Any conduct occurring when a student is under the influence of alcohol that violates the rights of others, or leads to disorderly and/or dangerous behavior.
  • Public Intoxication: Public intoxication and/or drinking in public.
  • Common Source/Keg: Distribution of any alcoholic beverage from a common source (i.e. mixed drinks or punch bowls, beer balls, etc.) and/or keg.
  • Mass Consumption: Participation in activities and/or drinking games (i.e. beer pong, flip-cup, card games) that promote mass consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Devices: Use and/or possession of mass consumption instruments (i.e. beer bongs, funnels, etc.).

University Policy Relative to Alcohol

Use and/or possession of alcohol under the legal drinking age, manufacturing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages (except where expressly permitted by 麻豆传媒 University鈥檚 regulations), possessing an open container in a public space including a motor vehicle, parked or moving, operating a vehicle while impaired or under the influence, or public intoxication is prohibited. High risk/irresponsible use of alcohol, kegs or other means of a common source, use/possession of mass consumption devices, and mass consumption including the use/possession of drinking games that promote such behavior (i.e. beer pong, flip cup, card games) is prohibited. Students may not possess or consume alcoholic beverages in academic buildings, athletic events (including intercollegiate, club or intramural practices or contests), and within residence halls in accordance with the students apartment/house or residence hall contract. Students who witness any of the above violations and fail to remove themselves or report the violation may be charged through the student conduct process for failure to separate.

Safe Social Hosting Expectations

麻豆传媒 University supports practices that emphasize a host鈥檚 responsibility to plan social gatherings in a way that provides a safe setting for an event and makes a conscientious effort to uphold the alcoholic beverage laws of the State of Ohio and the policies of 麻豆传媒 University. Ohio Revised Code Section 搂4301.69(A) states 鈥...no person shall sell beer or intoxicating liquor to an underage person, shall buy beer or intoxicating liquor for an underage person, or shall furnish it to an underage person...unless the underage person is supervised by a parent, spouse who is not an underage person, or legal guardian.鈥 In the State of Ohio, a person who furnishes alcohol to an underage person is guilty of a first- degree misdemeanor. The maximum penalty associated with this offense is six months imprisonment or $1,000 fine or both. A social host, therefore, risks being fined and imprisoned when he/she furnishes alcohol to a person who is not 21 years of age. Additionally, hosts may be sanctioned for the behavior of their guests that violates university policy, local ordinances or state law.


University-Owned and Non-Owned Properties

  1. Those hosting social gatherings must demonstrate consideration of  all housemates/neighbors prior to hosting a gathering;
  2. Social gatherings that are causing or leading to nuisance behavior will be addressed by Police;
  3. Social gatherings may be broken up if there is reason to believe that the hosts are unable or unwilling to maintain control;
  4. Clean up should be completed immediately following a social event by the sponsoring individual or group. Failure to immediately clean the premises may result in both a fine and the costs of cleaning being levied on the individual/house or group. If approached by 麻豆传媒 Police you will be instructed to clean up the premise within the hour or the house will be cited;
  5. Any damage caused during a social gathering becomes the responsibility of those residents unless the individual who caused the damage is able to be identified;

Fraternity and Sorority Facilities

  1. Each Greek chapter is responsible for adhering to state and local laws, their national guidelines, as well as standards of the university governing the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  2. With the above provisions in mind, the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages within each Greek chapter facility by its own membership (actives, pledges, and associates only) is the responsibility of the chapter.
  3. The use of alcoholic beverages for recruitment and new/associate member activities is prohibited.

Residence Halls鈥擲tudent Rooms

  1. Students who are of legal age may consume alcohol in their room with the doors closed.
  2. Underage students may not be present in rooms where alcohol is available or being consumed.
  3. Open containers, carriers, or cups of alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any lounge, hallway, restroom, or other public area of a residence hall.

Any student hosting a social gathering must abide by Ohio Law under the Liquor Control Law and university policy. It is the university鈥檚 suggestion that all 麻豆传媒 students utilize the Safe Social Host Procedures for Student Organizations and Groups risk management guidelines and resources for all social gatherings.

The university will provide opportunities for education on the responsible use of alcohol. The university will also sponsor and/or support opportunities that provide alcohol free alternatives for students who are underage and students who prefer alcohol free.


Students are held responsible for their behavior when under the influence of alcohol in the same manner in which they are held responsible for their behavior when not under the influence of alcohol.

University Policies Relative to Drugs

The following sections describe 麻豆传媒 University鈥檚 Code of Conduct regarding the sale, manufacture, distribution, possession and use of illegal drugs on or off 麻豆传媒 University premises or at university-sponsored events or programs in accordance with federal, state and local laws.

Drugs: Use, possession, manufacturing, distribution, sale of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia (whether for intended or implied use), misuse of drugs including over-the- counter medication or sharing of prescription drugs, purchasing or passing of illegal drugs from one person to another and/or using mail services to purchase, pass, or distribute drugs are prohibited. Illegal drugs, as referred to in this code, include drugs that are not legally obtainable, as well as drugs that are legally obtainable but used for illegal or unauthorized purposes represents a violation of this code.  Additionally, the university does not allow the use of medical marijuana.  Marijuana is illegal at the federal level. The Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act disallows the use of drugs including marijuana.  If the university fails to comply, it could be come ineligible for federal funding and financial aid programs for its students. Students who witness any of the above violations and fail to remove themselves or report the violation may be charged through the student conduct process.

This provides flexibility for the university in addressing drug-related offenses which occur on- or off-campus. Moreover, it permits the university to address its fundamental mission of holistic education and the development of a responsible global citizen. While recognizing that there is a need to address violations related to the use and/or possession of controlled substances, the university must address the education and well-being of all its students and employees. In addition to university imposed sanctions, students and employees are subject to all legal sanctions under federal, state and local law for any offenses involving illegal drugs on university property or at university activities.

Safe Harbor

麻豆传媒 University has a Safe Harbor program for students. The university believes that students who have a drug and/or alcohol addiction problem deserve help. If any university student brings their own use, addiction or dependency to the attention of university officials outside the threat of drug tests or imposition of the conduct process and seeks assistance, a conduct incident will not be pursued. Student Development staff may work to help create a written action plan used to track cooperation with the Safe Harbor program by the student. Failure to follow the action plan may nullify the Safe Harbor protection and the campus conduct process will be initiated.


For Those Who Report Violations

Students who are engaged in minor violations but who choose to bring related serious violations by others to the attention of the university are offered amnesty for their minor violations. Educational options may be explored, but no conduct proceedings or record will result.

The university provides amnesty to victims who may be hesitant to report to university officials because they fear they themselves may be accused of minor code violations, such as underage drinking, at the time of the incident. Educational options may be explored, but no conduct proceedings or conduct record will result.

Medical Assistance Amnesty

麻豆传媒 is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all members of the campus community. There are times when a student may consume alcohol to a level of extreme intoxication or a student may have a medical emergency following the use of drugs and/or alcohol. Signs of a medical emergency may include but are not limited to vomiting, loss of coordination or balance, loss of consciousness, and/or bouts of unresponsiveness. In those cases, the University considers the safety, health, and well-being of students paramount to documenting students for minor violations of the code of student conduct. To encourage students to seek help for students who are in need of medical assistance under those circumstances, the University will consider Medical Assistance Amnesty for both the student in need of medical assistance and the student(s) seeking help on behalf of that student.

The College may apply Medical Assistance Amnesty as a resolution to minor policy violations under the following circumstances:

  • For a student who requires medical assistance.
  • For a student who is a victim of certain crimes, such as physical assault, sexual assault, or sexual misconduct.
  • For a student who is assisting another student in need of medical assistance.
  • For a student who is reporting a serious crime and/or policy violation to the appropriate authorities.

The determination of whether or not Medical Assistance Amnesty is granted is based on the totality of the circumstances and is determined by the Office of the Dean of Students or designee. The list of minor policy offenses for which a student may be granted Medical Assistance Amnesty includes:

  • Possession or consumption of alcohol by persons under 21 years of age;
  • Irresponsible use of alcohol;  
  • Open container violation; and/or
  • Possession or consumption of drugs.

The granting of Medical Assistance Amnesty by 麻豆传媒 University has no bearing on any criminal or civil proceeding that may be filed through the City of Springfield or State of Ohio court systems. Medical Assistance Amnesty may, but will usually not, be granted under the circumstances similar to those listed below:

  • When there are multiple or repeated incidents involving the same student;
  • In cases in which a drug offense could result in a criminal arrest or a felony drug violation; or
  • When a student has a history of conduct violations at the University. (Exception: If the student is a victim of a crime, their history of conduct violations does not prevent the granting of Medical Assistance Amnesty.)

In cases where Medical Assistance Amnesty is granted, no violation of the code of student conduct will be recorded against the student. However, the University reserves the right to require a student to complete one or more educational programs in lieu of formal, conduct sanctioning. Failure to complete the required program(s) may result in the loss of Medical Assistance Amnesty in which case the University would proceed with formal charges against the student for the policy violation(s).

University Sanctions for Violations

In response to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the following possible sanctions are in place for alcohol and other drug violations.

Depending on the egregiousness of the alcohol and/or drug violation, the student may be suspended or dismissed from the university and also may be prosecuted. Below are recommended, but not mandatory sanctions for violations of the alcohol and drug codes. Each case is different, thus sanctioning may vary.


  • First Offense
    Alcohol awareness education;
    $150.00 fine;
    Parent notification*
    Coach notification**

  • Second Offense
    Disciplinary probation;
    Educational assignment;
    $200.00 fine;
    Parental notification*
    Coach notification**

  • Third Offense
    Deferred suspension;
    Substance abuse referral for continued assessment and treatment;
    $250.00 fine;
    Parental notification*
    Coach notification**

  • Fourth Offense

Drugs 鈥 including use or possession of illegal drugs or non-medical use of prescription drugs

  • First Offense
    Disciplinary probation;
    Drug awareness education
    $150.00 fine;
    Coach notification**

  • Second Offense
    Deferred suspension;
    Substance abuse referral;
    $300.00 fine;
    Parental notification*
    Coach notification**

  • Third Offense
    Possible dismissal from university;
    $400.00 fine;
    Parental notification*
    Coach notification**

* In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Dean of Students or designee reserves the right to notify the parents/guardians of students under 21 years of age, and the parents/ guardians of dependent students, regardless of age, of any incident in which the student is found responsible for violating the alcohol and drug policy.

** Parents or guardians, faculty advisors, and/ or coaches may also receive notice of disciplinary action any time it is deemed to be in the best interest of the student and the university to do so

Additional sanctions will be given if there are other incidents (vandalism, fights, providing alcohol to others, etc.) that accompany the alcohol or drug charges. More severe sanctioning will be used if a person is found with the intent to distribute drugs.

Failure to Separate: Students found in an environment where the alcohol and/or drug policy is violated, but are not partaking in the use of alcohol and/or drugs, may be subject to the following sanctions dependent upon the severity of the incident:

  • First Offense
    $25 fine

  • Second Offense
    $75 fine;
    Reflection Paper

Federal, State, and Local Penalties

Federal law prohibits the illegal possession of controlled substances.  Depending on the number of previous offenses, a person federally convicted of illegal possession of a controlled substance is subject to imprisonment, fine forfeiture of property, or all of the above.  In addition to these sanctions, punishments may include forfeiture of any conveyance used to transport or conceal a controlled substance, denial of federal benefits for at least one year, ineligibility to receive or purchase a firearm, and a civil penalty up to $10,000.00.  Federal law also forbids the illegal trafficking or manufacturing of a controlled substance. Penalties differ based upon circumstance and number of previous offenses, but may be enhanced by as much as three times, if such offenses are committed at or near a public or private school, a college or university, or the drugs were sold to persons under the age of 21. A trafficking offense committed after two previous drug trafficking offenses results in a mandatory life imprisonment.  In addition, the violator鈥檚 federal benefits (including school loans) may be terminated for a period of up to 5 years for a first offense, up to 10 years for a second offense, and for life for a third or subsequent offense.

The State of Ohio Law Prohibits:

  • Persons under 21 years old from consuming, purchasing, or possessing alcoholic beverages
  • Giving or selling alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years old
  • Having an open container of alcoholic beverage in a public place, regardless of your age. Public places are those which anyone can enter freely and include sidewalks, streets, tree lawns, some outdoor areas of apartment complexes, and inside parked or moving cars
  • Using false identification to obtain alcoholic beverages
  • Allowing underage persons to consume alcoholic beverages on your property
  • Punishment for these first-degree misdemeanors can be up to six months in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000

Underage Consumption, Purchasing or Possession of Alcohol

The legal drinking age in Ohio for consumption of an alcoholic beverage is 21. Purchasing, possessing or consuming alcohol prior to your 21st birthday is a first-degree misdemeanor. The maximum penalties associated with this offense are six months imprisonment or a $1,000 fine or both. A 20-year-old or below student, therefore, risks being imprisoned and fined when he/she decides to drink alcohol at a party or elsewhere.

Providing Alcohol to an Underage Person

A person who furnishes alcohol to an underage person is guilty of a first-degree misdemeanor. The maximum penalty associated with this offense is six months imprisonment or $1,000 fine or both. A social host, therefore, risks being fined and imprisoned when he/she furnishes alcohol to a person who is not 21 years of age. Keep in mind that the bigger your party is, the more people there that you don't know, the greater the chance of getting caught and/or charged.

Fake ID

Possession or display of a fictitious operator's license is a first-degree misdemeanor. The offense includes mere possession of a fictitious license or display of someone else's valid operator's license. The maximum penalties for this offense are six months imprisonment or a $1,000 fine or both. Moreover, if the fictitious operator's license is utilized to purchase alcohol or enter an establishment that serves alcohol, the minimum fine must be at least $250 and the person displaying the fictitious operator's license may have his/her valid operator's license suspended for three years.

Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs (OVI)

In Ohio, a person may not operate a motor vehicle if he/she is impaired by alcohol and/or drugs. The maximum penalty for operating a vehicle while under the influence is six months imprisonment (mandatory at least three days in jail) or a $1,000 fine (a mandatory minimum fine of $250) or both. Additionally, the operator must forfeit his/her driving privileges for six months. Driving under the influence is treated very seriously at Ohio State. Driving under the influence not only risks the safety of the driver, but it also risks the safety of the community.

Open Container

It is illegal to possess in public an open container of an alcoholic beverage. Conviction of this offense carries a maximum penalty of a $150 fine. Consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle is a fourth-degree misdemeanor with maximum penalties of 30 days imprisonment or a $250 fine or both.

Disorderly Conduct

Disorderly conduct while intoxicated is a minor misdemeanor and carries a maximum penalty of a $150 fine. Disorderly conduct can be elevated to a fourth degree misdemeanor (for example, if the person persists after a request to desist). Disorderly conduct occurs when one recklessly causes inconvenience, annoyance or alarm to another due to offensive conduct. Disorderly conduct also occurs when one makes unreasonable noise in such a manner as to violate the peace and quiet of the neighborhood or to be detrimental to the life and health of any individual.

Offenses Against the Public Peace

Several crimes associated with out-of-control parties fall under Section 2917, including: See 2917 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Failure to Disperse

When police order persons to leave public property, they must do so. When an order to disperse (also called "reading the riot act") is given, you should immediately begin walking out of the area or go inside a building and shut the door. Before 2004, police could only cite (give a ticket to), not arrest, someone who failed to obey an order to disperse. A recent revision in the law makes a failure to disperse in situations such as campus area riots an offense for which you can be arrested and jailed.

Misconduct at an Emergency

This means hampering police officers, firefighters, or any emergency medical personnel, and other public officials while they are doing their jobs. You must obey all lawful orders given by such persons at an emergency site.

Arson/Vandalism/Criminal Damaging/Criminal Mischief/Interfering with Public Safety

Among other things, it is illegal to:

  • Set fires that might endanger others or their property;
  • Damage property belonging to others;
  • Prevent or hamper police, fire or EMS personnel from doing their jobs.

See sections 2909.01-07 of the Ohio Revised Code.


No person, regardless of intent, shall deposit litter or cause litter to be deposited on any public property, on private property not owned by the person, or in or on waters of the state. "Litter" means garbage, trash, waste, rubbish, ashes, cans, bottles, wire, paper, cartons, boxes, automobile parts, furniture, glass, or anything else of an unsightly or unsanitary nature.

See section 3767.32 of the Ohio Revised Code.


This website is intended to serve as general guidance as we do not presume to offer legal advice. The exact legal wording can be found in the .

Safe Social Hosting Expectations

麻豆传媒 University supports practices that emphasize a host鈥檚 responsibility to plan social gatherings in a way that provides a safe setting for an event and makes a conscientious effort to uphold the alcoholic beverage laws of the State of Ohio and the policies of 麻豆传媒 University. Ohio Revised Code Section 搂4301.69(A) states 鈥...no person shall sell beer or intoxicating liquor to an underage person, shall buy beer or intoxicating liquor for an underage person, or shall furnish it to an underage person...unless the underage person is supervised by a parent, spouse who is not an underage person, or legal guardian.鈥 In the State of Ohio, a person who furnishes alcohol to an underage person is guilty of a first- degree misdemeanor. The maximum penalty associated with this offense is six months imprisonment or $1,000 fine or both. A social host, therefore, risks being fined and imprisoned when he/she furnishes alcohol to a person who is not 21 years of age. Additionally, hosts may be sanctioned for the behavior of their guests that violates university policy, local ordinances or state law.

Safe Social Host Procedures for Student Organizations & Groups


麻豆传媒 University鈥檚 Student Code of Conduct affords registered student organizations and groups鈥攊dentified as a number of persons who are associated with the university and each other, but who have not registered, or are not required to register, as a student organization (e.g. athletic teams, musical or theatrical ensembles, academic or administrative units)鈥攖he privilege of hosting events with alcohol. The presence of alcohol at any type of event increases the risk for those involved with planning, maintenance, and implementation.

The purpose of these procedures is to assist student organizations and groups to plan and implement events with alcohol while understanding liability and risk reduction techniques. It is the responsibility of all students, student organizations, or groups鈥攁nd all of its members鈥攖o be familiar with all applicable state and federal laws, university policies and procedures .Additionally, students are responsible for their own behavior, utilizing effective risk management practices, and creating a safe environment for all attendees.

The sponsoring organization(s) and/or group(s) will be equally accountable for any and all violations. Student organizations and/or groups need to be aware that the following are violations of the Student Code of Conduct:

  • knowingly or recklessly violating a published university policy, rule or regulation, and/or;
  • participating in conduct which one should reasonably know to be a violation of a published university policy, rule or regulation.

Sanctions for violating this policy may include, but are not limited to, loss of funding, loss of student organization privileges, referral to the Office of the Dean of Students, 麻豆传媒 Police, referral to any and all relevant affiliated national organizations, or off-campus criminal prosecution.

For fraternities and sororities and other groups with inter/national affiliation this policy does not supersede the risk management policies of each respective inter/national organization. It is the responsibility of each organization/group to carefully review their inter/national risk management policy and the policy(s) of co-host(s) before each event. As a rule of thumb, organizations should follow whichever policy is stricter.



Any student organization or group wishing to include alcohol as part of an event must be officially recognized through the Office of Student Involvement. During the semester the event will be held, at least two members of the organization or group must attend one session of the Safe Social Hosting Workshop which is offered by the Office of Student Involvement. These members are required to be present at any event in which alcohol is present. Each student organization or group must have a minimum of two members authorized in the current semester to be eligible to host events with alcohol. It is strongly encouraged that any member who will be at least 21 years old during the semester attend the workshop so they can serve as a liaison during any events planned that semester.

Registration and Approval

  1. A request (Safe Social Hosting Event Registration Form) to include alcohol in any sponsored event must be received by the Office of Student Involvement no later than one week prior to the event.
  2. Risk Management Conference with Director of Student Involvement, or designee must occur no later than noon on Thursday prior to the event. Failure to meet this deadline will result in an automatic denial of the request.
    • Risk Management Conferences will be scheduled based on the availability of the designated university office. To ensure adequate time to schedule a conference, it is recommended that student organization or group submit the registration form and schedule the Risk Management Conference as early as possible.
    • Submission of the registration form does not guarantee that a Risk Management Conference can be scheduled to accommodate all schedules. The Office of Student Involvement will work to accommodate student organizations and groups to the best of their ability.
    • A representative from each student organization or group involved with the event must be in attendance at this conference. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure that the organization or group is in compliance with this policy.
  3. Approval will be granted, provided the event abides by all university and related organization policies and procedures. A complete list of all guests invited must be turned in by this time. (See Guest List Guidelines)


For a social event to be approved, the host (and all co-hosts) must demonstrate an understanding of regulations described below and a commitment to fully comply with each of the regulations. Exceptions to these regulations will be considered on a case by case basis.

Day/Time Restrictions 鈥 Social events scheduled off-campus (BYOB or any third-party vendor) will only be considered for approval when occurring on Friday or Saturday nights. Events scheduled on any other night will not be approved. Event beginning and ending times will be strictly observed. Social events at which alcohol is consumed, possessed, or served may take place only between the hours of 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Additionally, they may not exceed four (4) hours in length. No organization or group may register more than one event on any given day.

Any events held on-campus in Founders and/or Doppelgangers on nights other than Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday will be considered for approval on a case-by-case basis.

Location 鈥 This alcohol policy is applicable when a student organization or group is sponsoring an event either on or off campus. Not all reserve-able spaces on campus will permit the inclusion of alcohol in programming. Regardless of on or off campus location, when alcohol is present, the space must be closed or roped off (also necessary for outdoor locations) to ensure proper and legal checking of Identification. A closed or roped off space also helps ensure safety and manage attendance by limiting access to invited guests only.

This policy applies to student organization and group sponsored events, both open and closed, in CDR, Founders, and other campus locations. Events on or off campus will be confined to the designated location.

  1. Founders and/or Doppelgangers will not be closed for any organization-sponsored events on Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday nights.
  2. If an event is held in Founders and approved by the Office of Student Involvement, all other stipulations of this policy will be enforced. 麻豆传媒n certain event parameters, the Office of Student Involvement MAY allow the sponsoring organization or group to forego a guest list. If the organization鈥檚 risk management policy (or that of an affiliated national organization) still requires a guest list, the Office of Student Involvement will also require such.
  3. The Office of Student Involvement will assist with logistical arrangements and marketing for events in Founders that are hosted by student organizations and groups.
  4. Residents living at a student rental property where an event is to be held must provide in writing at least three (3) days prior to the event their agreement to host the event. At least one resident of the property must be present for the full duration of the event. All residents of a rental property are responsible for the conduct of guests on their property, regardless of their presence at the event.

Focus and Publicity 鈥 Alcohol may not be the main focus of an event. Alcohol may not be mentioned on publicity for the event. All events are subject to the University Posting Policy.

Event Admittance 鈥 Only guests whose names appear on the official guest list will be permitted to attend. This includes BOTH members and non-members. Sponsoring organizations and groups are responsible for the conduct of their members and guests. However, this does not preclude individuals from referral to the Dean of Students for Student Code of Conduct violations.

  1. Admittance to the event will occur through ONE entrance only. Measures must be taken to secure alternative entrances in order to monitor admittance to the event.
  2. Guest IDs will be checked at the door. All guests must show a valid picture ID and have their name on the official guest list to gain admittance to the event.
  3. Those guests who are 21 years of age or older will be designated as such. Non-removable wrist bands or hand stamps must be used to designate those guests who are of legal drinking age. Age verification must occur at the event entrance for all guests. It is strongly recommended that age verification and identification marking be conducted by an employee of a third-party vendor (i.e. bouncer, manager, and/or bartender), private security firm, or off-duty police officer.
  4. Guests who are visibly intoxicated will not be permitted to enter or re-enter the event. It is the responsibility of the host(s) to ensure that intoxicated members and guests are not permitted to enter and re-enter the event.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided in appropriate amounts, in clearly visible and easily accessible locations, for the duration of alcohol service.

Good Neighbor Procedures

  1. When live entertainment (i.e. a band) has been scheduled, immediate neighbors will be notified prior to the event (if applicable) and noise ordinances should be followed. Event planners must also abide by the Guest Speaker policy.
  2. If using a mode of mass transportation (i.e. busing) or coordinating transportation from a central location, neighbors must be notified of the pickup and drop-off procedures. Use of neighboring driveways, sidewalks, yards or other property is prohibited.
  3. Generally, it is responsible practice to notify neighbors of any events occurring at your residence.

Distribution of Alcohol 鈥 All events must be held with a Third Party Vendor or follow BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage) Guidelines. No alcoholic beverages will be served by the host(s) and no alcohol will be purchased with organization funds (this includes any type of effort to 鈥減ass the hat鈥 or collect funds for an event).

  1. Third Party Vendor Guidelines:
    1. Must be properly licensed by the appropriate local and state authority.
    2. Must be properly insured with a minimum of $1,000,000 of general liability insurance, evidenced by a properly completed certificate of insurance prepared by the insurance provider.
    3. Agree in writing to cash sales only (individuals purchasing their own drinks, drink-by-drink), collected by the vendor, during the function.
    4. Agree in writing to all the responsibilities that any other purveyor of alcoholic beverages would assume in the normal course of business, including but not limited to:
      • Checking identification cards upon entry;
      • Not serving minors (ideally the TPV will check IDs when serving each drink);
      • Not serving individuals who appear to be intoxicated;
      • Maintaining absolute control of ALL alcoholic containers present;
    5. Collecting all remaining alcohol at the end of the function (no excess alcohol, opened or unopened, is to be given, sold, or furnished to the organization or individuals attending the event);
    6. Removing alcohol from the premises.
      • Agree in writing that the vendor will not provide any drink specials specific to the event attendees, require any drink sale minimums, or otherwise co-sponsor as a distributor with the organization. Co- sponsorship with a distributor encourages binge consumption and will not be permitted.
      • All on-campus events must follow third party vendor guidelines (BYOB is not permitted); the only permissible third-party vendor is the university鈥檚 contracted food service vendor.
  2. BYOB Guidelines:
    1. Members and guest may only enter and exit the event using one well-lit entrance that is controlled and monitored by security (preferable) and/or sober members. Of-age members and guests must be identified separately than those not of legal age using non-removable identification (i.e. over 21 receives wristband; under 21 receives handstamp). Additional exits must be available in case of an emergency, but must be inaccessible for event entry.
    2. The amount of alcoholic beverage an of-age person may bring to a BYOB event is six 12 oz. cans of beer or malt beverage. No beverage in a glass bottle is permitted. No open containers of any kind are permitted. No hard liquor is permitted. No product above 15% alcohol by volume (ABV) is permitted (i.e. 鈥渉ard liquor鈥).
    3. A central point of distribution of alcohol must be closed/roped off to allow for proper identification. All beverages at BYOB events must be dispensed by one or more individuals that have participated in the Safe Social Hosting workshop, agree to be and remain sober for the duration of alcohol service, and are at least 21 years of age. Members and guests may not serve themselves.
    4. A check-in/distribution system must be in place for all alcoholic beverages (i.e. ticket or punch card system). Guests may drink only the alcohol they brought to the party. A ticketing or punch card system must be used to obtain a beverage. When a guest wants his/her beverage, he/she may not receive more than one beverage at any given time.
    5. Any remaining beverage will be disposed of when a person leaves the event. A person may not leave the event with any alcohol. All unused alcohol must be thrown out at the end of the party.
    6. No person may bring alcoholic beverages more than once to the same event. At least one sober member will remain at the event entrance will monitory entry and exit of each person.

Event Management

  1. Liaisons will be designated for each social event. Liaisons must be at least 21 years old. One liaison for every 25 people in attendance is required (recommended one per 10-15 people in attendance). It is required that liaisons are sober for the duration of the event. Liaisons must be identified as such on the guest list. Liaisons cannot be new/associate members of fraternities or sororities.
  2. A professional security guard is recommended but not required, to assist the host with the event. Security Guards can ID guests as they enter the party and monitor the event to keep things under control. Guards can also require unruly guests to leave the party. In any case, 麻豆传媒 Police should be called in emergency situations.
  3. Those indicated on the Safe Social Hosting Event Registration Form as responsible for the event will remain present for the duration of the event.
  4. The host organization(s)/group(s) are responsible for determining a plan for safe transportation to and from the event.
  5. The host organization(s)/group(s) must have a plan for safely vacating the venue in the case of an emergency.
  6. All members of the host organization(s) or group(s) may be held liable if a problem occurs. Any host co-sponsoring or co-financing the event is equally liable should a problem occur.
  7. Clean-up will occur immediately following the event.

Guest List Guidelines

  1. Everyone invited to the event MUST be included on the guest list. This includes BOTH organization/group members and non-organization/group members (guests). Risk management guidelines require a maximum of 1 guest per member. For Third-Party Vendors, the maximum capacity of the area designated for the event may not be exceeded.
  2. Guests should be listed alphabetically by last name. This is very important for coordinating admittance.
  3. Birth dates must be listed next to each member/guest name. Birth dates must then be verified at the event entrance by showing his/her ID. To facilitate the check-in process the host may choose to highlight all guests who are 21 or older.

Sample Guest List Format

Host Organization Name(s): Badminton Club & Alpha Gamma Delta
Social Event: Valentine Crush Party
Date: February 16, 2016

Guest NamesBirth dateMember responsibleBirth date
Fellows, Brad9/2/93*Williams, John1/6/95*
Gorski, Dawn12/15/98Johnson, Kate7/1/97

* Designates 21 and over

Failure to Comply

Failure to comply with any of the guidelines stated in this procedure is reason to be referred to the Dean of Students or designee and/or relevant affiliated national organization headquarters. Exceptions include any guidelines stated in this policy that are in conflict with an organization鈥檚 inter/national risk management policy must be made known at the Risk Management Conference held prior to the execution of the event. 麻豆传媒 University and the organization(s) will defer to the stricter of the two guidelines in these cases.

Incident Report Form: Click Here

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