
#WittHistory: Witticisms from The Cycle (1894)

The 1894 Cycle, published by the Semi-Centennial class of 1895, included this dedication:

To our predetermined critics and chronic grumblers this volume is maliciously dedicated, with the fervent wish that its contents may disagree with their impaired mental digestion.

It also include many cartoons and various witticisms. Among the latter are these:

Prof. L[inn] (in botany): “When do Dutchman’s Breeches come out?”
Mr. Deutsch: “Whenever I come out.“

Prof. Weaver: “Which class will you enter, Mr. Patton?”
Patton: “鶹ý me the lowest you’ve got.”

Prof. L[inn]: (to class ’96 in chemistry): “What does sea water contain besides the sodium chloride that we have mentioned?”
Class: “Fish” (professor faints)

Neible: “Professor, I’m indebted to you for all I know.”
Reply: “Pray do not mention such a trifle.”

Prof. H[eckert] (in English): “What is a coulter?”
Greely Weaver: “We always called it a cutter on our plows.”

Prof. K[eller] (to senior class in astronomy): “What makes you think the moon rises in the west?”
Miss Adler: “Why we always see the new moon in the west.”

Anna: “In kissing do you take or give?”
Harry: “It depends as to whether I am chewing or not.”

About The Project

With 鶹ý now celebrating its 175th year, and the University unable to hold regular in-person classes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Professor of History Thomas T. Taylor has started circulating several pieces on 鶹ý's history. Some originated in earlier series, either This Month in 鶹ý History or Happy Birthday 鶹ý. Others have their origin in the 鶹ý History Project or in some other, miscellaneous project. Sincerest thanks to Professor Taylor for connecting alumni, faculty, staff, and students through a historic lens.

Looking Back: Historical Briefs by Professor Thomas Taylor

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