
YU Bin, Ph.D.

YU BinYU Bin, Ph.D.      于滨 博士
Professor Emeritus of Political Science
(937) 327-6106 (Office)
(937) 327-7991 (Fax)

Scholarly Activities


YU Bin (于滨, Ph.D. Stanford) is an emeritus professor of political science and director of East Asian Studies at 麻豆传媒 University (Ohio, USA). Yu is also a senior fellow of the Shanghai Association of American Studies, senior fellow of the Russian Studies Center of the East China Normal University in Shanghai, and senior advisor to the Intellisia Institute in Guangzhou, China.

Yu is the author and co-author of six books and more than 150 book chapters and articles in journals including World Politics, Strategic Review, China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, Asia Policy, Asian Survey, Comparative Connections (CSIS), International Journal of Korean Studies, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Harvard International Review, Asian Thought and Society. Yu has also published numerous opinion pieces in many leading media outlets around the world such as International Herald Tribune (Paris), Asia Times, People’s Daily (Beijing), Global Times (Beijing), China Daily, Foreign Policy In Focus (online), Yale Global (online), Valdai Club (Moscow), the BBC, Public Radio (USA), Radio Beijing, Radio Australia.

Previously, he was a fellow at the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) of the US Army War College, East-West Center in Honolulu, president of Chinese Scholars of Political Science and International Studies, a MacArthur fellow at the Center of International Security and Arms Control at Stanford and a research fellow at the Center of International Studies of the State Council in Beijing. (updated: August 3, 2018)

于 滨 博士 简历 (2018 年 8 月 23 日)

美国斯坦福大学政治学博士(1991) ,中国社会科学院研究生院法学硕士(1982),北京第一外国语学院学士(1977) 。 现任美国文博大学(麻豆传媒 University)政治系教授。

兼任上海美国学会资深研究员(2002年至今),美国战略与国际研究中心(CSIS)太平洋论坛 (Pacific Forum)中俄关系特约研究员(1999年至今),上海华东师范大学俄罗斯研究所周边发展中心特聘研究员(2012年至今),美国俄亥俄州州立大学莫尚中心 (Mershon Center) 联系教授(1991年至今),亚洲在线(AsiaTime Online)资深撰稿人(2003年至今)。

曾任美国陆军战争学院战略研究所访问教授(2013-14),上海复旦大学美国研究中心﹑国际关系与公共政策学院客座教授(2005-06),香港岭南大 学客座教授(1998-99) ,美国斯坦福大学亚太研究中心(Asia/Pacific Research Center) 访问学者(1998) ,美国夏威夷东西方中心(East-West Center)访问学者(1994-95),中国留美政治及国际关系学会主席 (1992-94)、美国斯坦福大学军备控制中心(Arms Control Center)学者 (1985-89) 。


Current Research

  • Book project: The 21st Century Sino-Russian relations & Implications for the International System (Russian Studies Center of the East China Normal University in Shanghai, 2017-2019), organizer and editor.


  • 2005-current: Professor, 麻豆传媒 University
  • 1998-2005: Associate Professor, 麻豆传媒 University
  • 1991-1998: Assistant Professor, 麻豆传媒 University
  • 2006: Visiting Professor, School of International Affairs & Public Policy, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
  • 1993-current:  Adjunct instructor, Asia-Pacific Seminar, Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM), Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio.
  • 1987-1991: Teaching assistant, Political Science Department, Stanford University


  • POL102 Comparative Politics 比较政治学
  • POL 251 Introduction to International Relations 国际关系学
  • POL 350 American Foreign Policy 美国外交
  • POL 210 East Asian Politics 东亚政治
  • POL 355 East Asian Foreign Relations 东亚外交
  • POL 205 Chinese Politics 中国政治
  • POL 354 Chinese Foreign Policy 中国外交
  • East Asian 400  东亚研究高级班
  • POLI 359 Russian-US-China Triangular Politiking 中美俄大三角关系
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