
Frequently Asked Questions - Writing Center

Is the Writing Center only for "beginning" writers?...only for "advanced" writers?
The Writing Center is useful for writers at every level of experience. Writing advisors can offer input on any writing-related topic from organization and analysis, to grammar and citations, to voice and style.

Why do I need to go to the Writing Center when I have ChatGPT, as well as grammar-check and spell-check on my computer?
There is no substitute for having another set of eyes look over your work. Grammar- and spell-check are not completely reliable in every situation--and though ChatGPT might be a good way to brainstorm, it is not infallible. Writing Center advisors can help you work with all these technologies, and still maintain your voice and perspective on the topic.

Does the Writing Center work only with writing for the humanities?
The writing advisors represent many different academic fields and are trained to work with all kinds of writing. Whether you're working on a short story or poem, a biology lab report, or a management portfolio, an advisor can work with you on your project.

Can I bring in ONLY class-related work?
Absolutely not. The projects we see in the Writing Center include resumes, job applications, personal statements, news articles, poetry, song lyrics--we even worked on a maid of honor speech one year. If it's writing-related, bring it in and make it the best it can be!

Do I have to bring in a complete draft?
No, not at all. Advisors in the Writing Center work with writing at any stage. Whether you need help brainstorming a topic, forming an outline, organizing a draft, or polishing a final copy, you can always consult with an advisor. Some students come in with only the assignment sheet and we work from there. Bring in notes, ideas, whatever you have. Sometimes having a brainstorming session can save you a great deal of time. 

 Will my professors know when I come in to the Writing Center with my work?
Only if you would like them to. Upon your request, writing advisors can give you a report indicating the date of a particular session and describing what aspects of the project you addressed; you may pass the report on to the professor (we can also send them via email). Otherwise, your visits are confidential.

Do I need to make an appointment? Many students simply drop by the Center with their writing projects during our day and evening hours. But, you can also access our online calendar to set up an appointment for a particular time or with a particular advisor: . Registration is quick and easy.

When would it be a good idea for me to make an appointment?
If you'd like to work with an advisor who specializes in a certain discipline, you may want to reserve a time. Also, the Center tends to get busy during midterms and finals. It's usually a good idea to make an appointment during those stretches.

Where is the Writing Center ?
The Writing Center is on the main floor of Thomas Library. 

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